Chi e la Crush?

Chi è la Crush?

Crush viene utilizzato spesso in una frase tipo “I have a crush on” che significa “Mi sono innamorato/infatuato di”. Il termine dunque viene utilizzato per indicare una cotta per qualcuno. Il vocabolo può essere utilizzato anche come sostantivo per indicare la persona con quale state o per cui avete una cotta.

Che vuol dire sei la mia Crush?

Avere una crush insomma, significa avere una cotta per qualcuno. Generalmente, per indicare la crush per un personaggio famoso si usa il termine celebrity crush mentre quando si parla solamente di cursh si indica una persona reale per cui si ha una cotta.

What is the meaning of the word crash?

crash verb (HAVE AN ACCIDENT) B1 [ I or T ] If a vehicle crashes or someone crashes it, it is involved in an accident, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged and someone is hurt: We skidded on the ice and crashed.

What is the legal definition of a car accident?

B1. an accident involving a vehicle, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged or someone is hurt: a car crash. She had a crash on the way to work. They were only slightly injured in the crash. Sinonimi. accident. collision (ACCIDENT) smash (ACCIDENT) UK.

What is the history of the crash?

The origins of the CRASH lead back into the fifties, when J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI, and as sneak attacks before dawn and after midnight would claim the lives of many black leaders, and eventually the Black Panthers and rappers like Tupac Shakur.

What is a crash team?

It is a police squad unit originally created by the LAPD as a way to break the infrastructure of crime in the ghettos. It turns out leadership of these CRASH teams became corrupt, and even the most decorated officers were guilty of killing other cops, selling and using crack, and planting weapons and drugs in order to frame innocents.

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